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Beech Mountain
English Golden
Retriever Puppies
Call or Text Us - (828) 783-7171
We are anticipating our next beautiful litter with Belle and Olaf Feb 2025. $2,500 - Reservations
1st Pup - (Male) Debi T. (Dallas); 2nd Pup (Female) Marlene R.(Beech Mtn & FL); 3rd Pup (Male) Ashley B. (Bristol); 4th Pup (*Male or Female) Kurt D. (Charlotte); 5th Pup (Male) Emilee D. (Dallas and Beech Mtn); 6th Pup (Female or Male) Whitney C. (Charlotte); 7th Pup (Female) Lynn H. (Boone); 8th Pup (Male) Marcie S. (Beech Mtn)
Puppy Michael Anthony
Born 9/13/2024
2:05 PM
11.7 Ounces
In Loving Memory of My Son
CPL Michael Anthony D'Alessandro
8/31/1989 - 7/2/2012
Rest In Peace Sweet Baby Boy

Puppy Michael Anthony will have his brother Bruce Fox by his side for life. Plus they have a big Golden sister Marley. They have 5 acres and a stream to play in Matney, NC. Lucky little boys. xo

Puppy Michael's Last Photo with Momma Anna and Daddy Olaf

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